legendary new wave designer April Greiman once said "if they walk through the door, they've bought into the aesthetic." well youre here and youre looking at this now so regardless of what you think this is a win in my book. at its core netpunk is meant to be a rejection of whtat other people might call "good design" in order to allow the designer to explore new techniques and ideas that might otherwise be considered "ugly" or "bad" by the usual standarts of graphic design. netpunk seeks to explore the far reaches of uniquely digital visuals for the sake of respecting the history of the internet and the limitations that made its aesthetic so unique. this is not about "embracing tradition" or some other fascist bs its about creating methods that return agency to the artist with a sort of "digital analog" that gives the same kind of fine control overr the output that one might expect from traditional printing methods like screen printing oer lithography. as the internet continues to modernize, much of twhat made it so magical is going to the way of many of its most iconic hosts like Netscape and Geocities. however, this isnt just about simple preservation. what it is about is creating something wholly new from the web of yesteryear, even if it means breaking tradition.